
Need Accessories ? Not Enough Money to buy accesssories from stores outside ? BUY ONLINE HERE ! Cheap and Beautiful !

Terms & Conditions

Please browse through the Terms & Conditions before ordering
1. We are 100% Scam-Free :D
2. Orders will be replied within 24hours ! :D
3. First buy first serve basis
4. Spammers will not be entertained
5. Do not have intention to buy, dont order
6. Orders will be sent in between 2-3 weeks
7. Payments must be paid before items are shipped
8. Orders will not be accepted before the 3 weeks of PUBLIC HOLIDAYS
9. We will contact you once we are comfirmed
10. If by 3 days your order is not replied, its cancled
11. NO refunds after ordering
12. NO payment = No items
13. We only accept CASH
14. Meet ups are only place we chose
15. No handphones = no order
16. We do NOT supply, SORRY ! ):
17. Items ordered/sold are not exchangable
Once you've ordered from us, means you have accepted the Terms&Conditions (:

Payment & Collection

- Only one type of collection mode , meet-ups
- meet-ups , we'll have to meet up twice . First time for payment , second time for collection of your items
- Tell us at least 1 hours earlier before the meet-up if you are unable to meet up
- Please be on time for meet-up, $0.10 per minute late
- Please bring the exact amount of money & extra money just in case
Questions & Tags

Order Form

*Sent us your information according to the order form below

Name : ____________
Email: ____________
Contact: _____________
Item : (commar if more than an item)
Color: (if needed)
Payment Venue: _________
Collection Venue: _________

Circle Line
1. Serangoon - $1
2. Lorong Chuan - $1
3. Bishan - $1
4. Marymount - $2

Red Line
1. Braddle - $2
2. Toa Payoh - $2
3. Novena - $2
4. Ang Mo Kio - $2
5. Yio Chu Kang - $3

Email your order form at :

Credits ♥

Designer: ♥chocodiiction-lovesxoxo*